Trustees Annual Report 2008
Governing Document
Hope for Tanzania is governed by its Trust Deed dated 3 March 2008. It is registered with the Charity Commission, registration number 1124470.
The objects of Hope for Tanzania, as set out in the Trust Deed, are to advance education in accordance with Christian principles and to improve employment prospects of individuals and communities by such means as the trustees may consider appropriate including by means of establishing and operating any educational or training establishment or establishments and by the provision of funds, goods or services of any kind including support for small businesses in such parts of Tanzania.
Review of Activities During 2008
Hope for Tanzania was registered with the Charity Commission on 11 June 2008. The charity is in its infancy but continues to attract people to its cause which is greatly encouraging. A team of trustees has been appointed who have good experience, valuable skills and contacts which will slowly allow the vision of Hope for Tanzania to be realised. The trustees have now agreed a strategic plan for the following 10 years with more detailed targets for the next year, finances permitting.
The main project that has been supported has been the Tuishime Nursery & Primary School in Arusha. There is a limitless thirst for education in Tanzania as people realise that it is the main route out of poverty. Parents readily become committed to the education of their children and the children also show dedication in learning. The vision of the trustees is that the school will become self-financing and self-supporting in a few years once it has increased its pupil numbers to around 200. The school has about 40 orphans and other children who are unable to fully pay their fees. The sponsorship that some of them receive together with subsidy from school funds allows them to continue with their primary school education. The teachers are currently taking home a lower salary than Government standard rates and were it not for their commitment to the school, the financial situation would be even more uncertain.
Donations made to the school have allowed two classrooms to be built. However, due to the significant increase in construction costs and the lower currency exchange rate, the second classroom has not been completed. A well has been sunk although water tests have indicated that drilling to a greater depth will be required to constant water of the required purity.
Anna Oswald, a teacher from the Tuishime School, visited the UK in May 2008 when she spent time observing teachers in different schools. She has applied some of her learning to the school so fulfilling the hopes of the trustees. Unfortunately a visit from a second teacher in early 2009 will not happen due to a visa being refused. A visit was made to a secondary school in July to inform Yr 10 children about the charity and encourage them to adopt it as their charity for the following year. A primary school has carried out fundraising events for Hope for Tanzania as it seeks to develop the international link with the Tuishime School.
A promotional brochure has been produced and a website and e mail address set-up. A promotional video has been produced by Tony Garratt which has been well received whenever it has been shown.
Support has been given to pay the University fees for the daughter of Felix & Naomi Massenge who is studying business studies in Dar es Saleem. Additional support has been given to Rev Grace Mbise, who is an evangelist from the Arusha Cathedral, to assist her in her preaching ministry.
Developments Planned for 2009
We aim to expand the volunteer network and support base during the year both within Churches and outside. In particular we would like to work with youth groups to show them the needs of Tanzania and the opportunities that exist for dedicated service.
A team visit will be made to Arusha in August/September to assist in a number of projects, make new contacts and build relationships. We see this visit as a key way to increase the number of supporters of the work in Tanzania and to help the many children and adults that will be met. We will also take the opportunity to take over a number of reading and reference books to start a library at the Tuishime School.
A sponsor a child scheme will be rolled out in early 2009 with a target to achieve at least 50 sponsors by the end of the year. The framework and documentation of the scheme will be completed once final consultation has been made. Co-ordinators of the scheme both in UK and in Tanzania are actively being sought.
The website will be designed and already we have had an offer of help from a graphic design lecturer at a local University to assist.
Income Generation
In the period the majority of the income has been derived from individuals and schools, together with any Gift aid associated.