Short Report from Visit 2016 to Dar es Salaam
Published 13 December 2016
* Pastor Stephen Osinde remains strong, passionate about the gospel and his goal to see a strong pastor’s network established through The Oasis of Victory Faith Ministry. The ministry requires substantial financial support as his resources are strained and almost exhausted and he challenged me to find it.
* The Ministry celebrated its 10th anniversary by holding a 3 day pastors conference at which pastors from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Mozambique attended. On the Sunday, 3 pastors were ordained in a wonderfully uplifting service. We had the opportunity to teach in a few sessions and praise God that our teaching was well received. The pastors are all from poor backgrounds and struggle financially but they are passionate to see God building their churches. There are unlimited opportunities to help them individually.
*We visited the Bible school in Mlandizi and were delighted to see that the first classroom is under construction and the temporary church building is being used. However, to meet their desire for the bible school to open in early 2017, they require significant financial support to complete the classroom and build an additional one. The impact of training pastors on the growth of the church will be significant and I feel strongly that it should become a strong focus for HFT.
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