Hope for Tanzania

Future Approach to Mission in Singida

Published 28 November 2017

Our strategy for the mission of planting churches in this area of Singida (“Singida for Jesus”) is to identify hub churches where we can train and motivate church members in mission and equip them to disciple new believers so that they become the primary workers. Old Kiomboi TAG church is the first such hub church; we feel that Pastor Kitusi already has a strong mission team and the church is experiencing a period of significant numerical and spiritual growth. This church will continue to make mission visits to Yombwe with the eventual aim being to establish a church there. Urughu TAG church will be another hub church although further training and support from Deo will be required before they are fully ready for mission, particularly in relation to how they develop the fledging church at Ulyangangombe which needs to be strengthened so that momentum is not lost.
The approach to Nya ha ha and Mwandalya needs to be different as Pastor Oscar and Dorcas need to be trained as they have low Bible knowledge and little capability to prepare sermons, teach or run Bible studies. The spiritual needs of children and young people in these villages need to be specifically met, educational resources given to them and activities run in order to keep them interested in the Lord. The harvest field is ripe but if we fail to gather the harvest in it will spoil. Deo will spend much time with Pastor Oscar and Dorcas during the next few months so that Dorcas is able to keep the churches going when Oscar starts his Bible training in early 2018, which we will support. The way this training is carried out and at which college has yet to be confirmed.
There continues to be a huge need for Swahili Bibles for new believers in all these villages, and of course the ones we will visit, so we should continue to prioritise this by increasing our donations.

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