Hope for Tanzania

News from Mosses Paulo

Published 06 March 2011

We have sponsored Mosses, a Maasai,over a 9 year period to upgrade his education. We have seen him change from being an ordinary primary school teacher with a low level of education into an influential leader by becoming a Ward Education Officer (WEO). Back in 1998 he had a limited outlook on life and lacked personal confidence and vision. Not so now, for he has matured into a person who looks to help others improve their lives. In his previous ward, beside his WEO duties, he assisted people to set up businesses making batiks and bricks and these are all going well. His role was to teach them business skills and basic English. Now he has moved to a different ward (Unga Limited) and has responsibility for 2 primary schools which have a total of 3200 pupils. The poverty there is very severe with many of the parents unable to afford even £2 per month to pay for porridge for their child during the school day. Unsurprisingly, but sadly, the educational standard of the children is very poor. Mosses is already setting up adult education classes to help people escape poverty and ill health. He is a fine Christian who seeks to help his less fortunate neighbours as Jesus asked his followers to do. The story of Mosses is a great example of how a person, with a little financial help, can fulfill their potential, improve the future for their children, escape poverty and help others. He was our original student in the Futures Programme (see Projects) and we are thrilled to have been able to help him.

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