Hope for Tanzania

New Sponsored Student

Published 11 December 2013

We have agreed to sponsor Moses Paulo through a B.Ed degree which he will start in January by distance learning. Whilst we have already sponsored him through a number of courses, we want to continue to do so in order to allow him and others to fully benefit from the education he has gained. When we first met Moses he was a relatively uneducated primary school teacher. Over many years he studied for A'levels, a certificate and then a diploma in education. He focused on administration and became a ward educational officer with responsibility for 4 secondary schools and a larger number of primary schools in Arusha. However, many younger people with degrees are entering the work force and providing stiff competition. To maintain Moses's position and enhance his prospects we decided that he needed to study for a degree. So the hard work starts for him in January. During the part time course he will continue in his day time job whilst studying in the afternoon and evening. It is our hope and prayer that Moses will become an even more influential person who benefits those he has responsibility for. It will be hard for his wife Mary and their four children - Mkape, Irene, Joram and Tabitha - as Moses will not have as much time to help the family. But it is our hope that the sacrifice will be worthwhile so that their children can benefit from a better education than they would have received had Moses not upgraded his education.

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