Thanks to God
Added 23 December 2018
Let's give thanks to God for the following things he has accomplished in 2018.
Tuishime School standard 7 exam results were good with every child passing the exams and so able to enter secondary schools.
Shamsa, a student we have been sponsoring, has graduated with a degree in accountancy and is currently searching for a suitable job.
We have been able to support the construction of our first church building and are delighted by it.And we have built a temporary structure for a second one.
We have seen God establish two new churches in villages where there was no church. About 60 people attend the churches.
Many people committed their lives to God and are starting on the path of discipleship.
We have witnessed churches reaching out to their communities as a result of the training they have received over the last two years.This has resulted in more workers in the harvest field in response to the prayers of God's people and the growth of his kingdom.
Pastor Deo has been a wonderful missionary, full of zeal and dedication to the task that God has called him to. We are so thankful for his motivation and unceasing dedication to the planting of churches in this area of Tanzania.
More Prayer Points
Singida Region16 NOVEMBER 2019
Please pray * For God to set people free from sin & foreign gods. * For Muslims to come to Christ. * For people to understand who Jesus is & what He wants from them. * Genuine repentance... [read more]
Church Pastors in Singida16 NOVEMBER 2019
Pastors Oscar & Dorcas — Mwandalya/Nyahaa Pastor Shadrachi — Tegero Pastor Kitusi — Kiomboi Pastor Anderson — Kidaru Pastor Julius &mdash... [read more]
Pastor Deo 16 NOVEMBER 2019
Please pray for Pastor Deo and his work in Singida region and in Bukoba (Lake region near Mwanza) * Safety while on the mission field. His family (he is away from home a lot). * Spiritual... [read more]
Pray for Church Communities in Tanzania16 NOVEMBER 2019
* For a growth in number (salvations) and a deepened faith as they follow Jesus. * For transformed hearts and minds. Sacrificial love for their families and neighbours. Infilling with the Holy... [read more]
Pray for Pastor Stephen 16 NOVEMBER 2019
Please pray for the work that Pastor Stephen is carrying out in Dar es Salaam. * Overflow in finances for the Bible school so building work can be completed. * Effective training of pastors and... [read more]