Hope for Tanzania

Andrew Mathias is in the UK

Added 10 June 2012

We thank God that Andrew arrived safely on June 2 and that he had no issues with the UK Border Agency. Please pray that he will hugely benefit from different experiences during next two weeks. He will spend most of the time teaching and learning in a wide range of schools. We want him to be better equipped to return to Arusha and put many of the ideas into practice in Tuishime School. We want him to become a man of influence, not only in the field of education but also in a spiritual way. We are praying that he will become a leader who influences for good and for God beyond even the school. Of course we in the UK don't have the answer to everything, and we need to be humble to learn from other cultures, but in the UK we have a richness that we hope Andrew can capture and take back with him. Please pray that Andrew will be able to apply the lessons he has learnt in a way that is effective in Tanzanian culture and will have a lasting impact. Pray that Andrew himself will be changed and that through him many people will be blessed and brought closer to God.

More Prayer Points

Singida Region16 NOVEMBER 2019

Please pray * For God to set people free from sin & foreign gods. * For Muslims to come to Christ. * For people to understand who Jesus is & what He wants from them. * Genuine repentance... [read more]

Church Pastors in Singida16 NOVEMBER 2019

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Pastor Deo 16 NOVEMBER 2019

Please pray for Pastor Deo and his work in Singida region and in Bukoba (Lake region near Mwanza) * Safety while on the mission field. His family (he is away from home a lot). * Spiritual... [read more]

Pray for Church Communities in Tanzania16 NOVEMBER 2019

* For a growth in number (salvations) and a deepened faith as they follow Jesus. * For transformed hearts and minds. Sacrificial love for their families and neighbours. Infilling with the Holy... [read more]

Pray for Pastor Stephen 16 NOVEMBER 2019

Please pray for the work that Pastor Stephen is carrying out in Dar es Salaam. * Overflow in finances for the Bible school so building work can be completed. * Effective training of pastors and... [read more]