Hope for Tanzania

Early 2013 Prayer Requests

Added 26 January 2013

Please pray for the following
(1) Trustees of Hope for Tanzania to have wisdom as they consider new projects to start.
(2) Rev Grace Mbise, an evangelist who we have supported in her work. Her husband recently passed away so she is deeply affected by this loss. In addition the financial basis of her ministry has been severely affected. Pray that she experiences God's strengthening so that her faith remains strong and she continues in her work.
(3) Thomas Godfrey, an ex pupil of Tuishime School who is being sponsored through secondary school. He needs encouragement to carry on working hard and prayer that God will become his rock and refuge. Besides receiving a good education we also want him to remain healthy, to develop strong friendships, and to become a positive influence on others.
(4) Teachers at Tuishime School that they will show God's character in their lives and be fully committed in their work seeking to do their very best.

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