Pastor Deo
Added 18 May 2015
Pastor Deo has sent us some items for prayer. These are:
(1) God to open a door that I may accomplish his plan in full and on time. This means to start an income generating business and have funds to rent a house and buy a motorbike.
(2) Keep the 9 friends I have made in good harmony that it may be easier to speak about the gospel to their families as well as to other villagers.
God has already answered some of prayer point (1) as Hope for Tanzania has agreed to fund Deo's expenses for 6 months and the purchase of a motorbike. Praise God.
A further prayer item:
(3) I have met a local pastor, named Benjamin, and will work with him to evangelise some villages in old Kiomboi. This pastor is becoming my advisor and is linking me with other pastors in the interior and remote village areas. My mission plan is to mobilise volunteers for us to evangelise so that people come to Jesus and form a church community.
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