Hope for Tanzania

Mission update from Kiomboi

Added 07 February 2016

I visited Pastor Deo, with Felix Massenge, during my visit to Singida in November to encourage him and see how the work is progressing. I was greatly encouraged by his dedication and commitment to the mission that God has put on his heart. He is zealous for the gospel and the deep spiritual needs of the Iramba and Isanzu people are seared on his heart. He knows the area very well and has built up deep love for and respect from people in many villages. During our visit we saw about 20 people become Christians and they will be followed up and discipled.
At the end of November, Deo arranged a 4 day pastor's conference to talk about the needs of the area and the size of the challenge. Training was also given to the pastors and members from 16 different churches. Deo had translated a mission's manual into Swahili which he gave to pastors on the last day. They were delighted to receive such a book which will be a real benefit to them. The pastors have requested an 8 day mission training and evaluation conference which will be held in mid 2016.
Pastor Benjamin's church, which we preached in, has already formed a mission's team, which will be used as the model for other churches to follow. The church is also discipling new believers from mission work carried out in the last six months of 2015.
Please use your imagination to pray for the above situations with the faith that God has given you. There is a great need for the Holy Spirit to convict the Iramba and Isanzu people of their need for salvation so that many churches can be established. Pray for protection for Deo that he will keep close to the Lord and a motivated follower of Jesus.

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