Hope for Tanzania


Helping Young People to Help Others

The Need

The future of Tanzania lies with its young people who have great opportunities for education in school and university. Its future depends on entrepreneurs able to set up businesses, on scientifically educated people able to establish and run companies, on teachers able to train and inspire the next generation of young people, on skilled administrators able to efficiently manage public and private businesses. Tanzania is a country which is rich in natural resources, has great potential as a tourist destination, but has hardly started to mechanise its agriculture. It barely has any industry. Tanzania's greatest asset is its young people but they need to be educated in a way that will help them compete with their peers in developed countries.

We have met so many people who are hungry for education, even if they are in their forties! Parents who make great sacrifices to send their children to school, children who love reading books, young people who are desperate to go to university. Education gives people hope for a better future, improves prospects of families and communities and puts food in the mouths of children. Without it life will continue to remain bleak as the gap between the rich West and Tanzania ever widens.

The Opportunity

Hope for Tanzania has launched the Futures Programme to support promising young people in secondary school and university education. Already we have seen Moses, a poorly educated teacher in 1998, become a Municipal Education Officer in 2008 through our financial support and mentoring. He is now training groups of people in running small businesses in addition to his paid school work.

We know a number of other young people who would benefit from continuing their education but cannot because they are unable to afford the fees and living expenses. These students have been identified as suitable candidates for the Futures Programme but we need to find sponsors for them.

Are you able and willing to take the first step?

We are looking for sponsors to assist these students. Costs are between £600 (secondary school) and £2500 per year (university degree). If you can help then email us at info@hopefortanzania.org for further information.

Hope for Tanzania is focussed on maximising financial contributions and is accountable

The administration of Hope for Tanzania is carried out voluntarily by Trustees and other volunteers. This means that all your donation will be used for projects in Tanzania.

Hope for Tanzania is a Registered Charity No 1124470 and is legally required to submit independently examined Annual Accounts to the Charity Commission.