Hope for Tanzania


Africa Meal at Derby City Church  16 NOV 2019

Tomorrow we are holding a lunch and meeting in Derby at which we report back on our recent mission trip. The event is being held at Derby City Church in Curzon Street Derby starting at 1230 and...... [read more]

Trustee Meeting  16 NOV 2019

We held a trustee meeting today to review the recent mission trip which Maggie and Martin went on in October. Trustees reviewed the 2020-2024 strategic plan for Hope for Tanzania which we will now...... [read more]

Funding of Singida Churches  16 NOV 2019

Since we returned from our 2019 mission trip to Singida we have funded roofing sheets for the church in Kidaru which Pastor Anderson is overseeing. The church has been very committed to extend the...... [read more]

Mission 2019  26 SEP 2019

We have finally arrived at the day of our departure. Hannah has had a great time since middle of August experiencing much from God and being an encouragement to many people. The rest of the team will...... [read more]

Update on Hannah's visit  12 SEP 2019

Hannah is doing well and the Lord has kept her safe and well. She enjoyed visiting different churches in the Arusha area including a Maasai one where she was asked to preach. She made contact with a...... [read more]

Bible Appeal  12 SEP 2019

We have reached and exceeded our target of £2000 to buy Swahili Bibles for churches in Tanzania. Thank you to all our supporters for their generous gifts. We will be involved in some of the...... [read more]

Appeal for Bible Fund  13 AUG 2019

We have reached a total of £1264 which will allow us to buy about 158 Swahili Bibles. Thank you to all those who have donated. We still have some way to go to meet our target but are well on...... [read more]

Raising Funds to Buy Bibles  11 JUL 2019

We are aiming to raise £2000 to buy Swahili Bibles for people who go to churches in Singida where we are working and in Bukoba, an area to the west of Mwanza, where Pastor Deo is also working...... [read more]

Update on Mission Visit 2019  11 JUL 2019

Hannah is going to Tanzania on 14 August, initially to Arusha and then to Kiomboi where she will train women in the church about Bible study and prayer. The rest of the team (4 of us) will travel to...... [read more]

Visit Reports now on Website  26 APR 2019

We have placed visit reports for 2017 and 2018 on the website so you can read about the activities of the teams and how we experienced many amazing things. Enjoy the read.... [read more]

Visit 2019  25 APR 2019

Plans are beginning for our visit to Tanzania in 2019. We plan to visit in October and November with Martin visiting for 5 weeks and other team members for a shorter time, probably 2 weeks. We are...... [read more]

Tuishime School   25 APR 2019

The school is having some problems with parents not being able to afford school fees so the number of children has reduced from 430 to 350. Apparently this is because there is a tighter restriction...... [read more]

Report on Visit 2018  23 DEC 2018

I have written a report on our mission trip in October and November 2018 and whilst this has not yet been published on the website it has been circulated to our prayer supporters. Suffice it to say...... [read more]

Activities during Visit 2018  10 OCT 2018

Singida – mission with Pastor Deo, Here’s Life Africa team and church members. Showing Jesus film in villages, preaching, teaching (discipleship, stewardship, serving), visiting homes to...... [read more]

Itinerary for Tanzania Visit 2018  10 OCT 2018

Oct 23-26 Travel from UK/Germany to Singida (All) Oct 27-Nov 3 Mission activities (All) Nov 4 Matt preaching in Arusha & travel to UK Nov 4-7 Mission activities Nov 8-9 Travel to...... [read more]

Mwandalya Church Part 2  29 MAY 2018

Hope for Tanzania has funded the second and final phase of the building of the new church at Mwandalya. This will be sufficient for the walls and roof to be completed and for all windows, plastering...... [read more]

Visit 2018  06 MAY 2018

It barely seems a year since we were planning for last year's visit. This year we will be making a further visit and focusing on mission in Singida. Details are a little sketchy but we will be using...... [read more]

Mwandalya Church  06 MAY 2018

The building work is progressing well. The foundations are in place and walls have started to be built. The heavy rains swept some of the bricks away so further ones have to be made. Pastor Deo has...... [read more]

Funding of Church Building  12 MAR 2018

We are delighted that at the end of February we part funded a new church building at Mwandalya. Completion of the build will be funded once we have received reports that the building work is well...... [read more]

Appeal for Donations for Bibles   26 JAN 2018

During our visit to Tanzania in 2017 we donated over a hundred Swahili Bibles to churches in Singida and Dar. The money to buy them in Tanzania had been largely raised by Christians in Duffield...... [read more]

Training of Pastor Osca  04 JAN 2018

Pastor Osca leads the Nyahaha church with his wife Dorcas and the embryonic church at Mwandalya. Neither of them have received training in the Bible or how to lead a church so when we visited Singida...... [read more]

Future Approach to Mission in Singida  28 NOV 2017

Our strategy for the mission of planting churches in this area of Singida (“Singida for Jesus”) is to identify hub churches where we can train and motivate church members in mission and...... [read more]

The Mission in Singida Part 3  28 NOV 2017

Urughu has a long established TAG church under the watchful eye of Pastor Julius Kiloee who started the church 20 years ago. We visited homes during one afternoon and showed films on three evenings...... [read more]

The Mission in Singida Part 2  29 OCT 2017

Nya ha ha is a remote village in the semi-desert which has a small church. Last year we visited and saw a number of people make commitments but sadly the church is still small with little...... [read more]

The Mission in Singida  19 OCT 2017

The team consisted of four HFT volunteers, a young man from Dar, two pastors from Arusha and Pastor Deo. We worked with pastors from TAG churches in Singida. We funded a team from Here’s Life...... [read more]

Update on Tuishime School  19 OCT 2017

The school continues to be well run and a positive atmosphere maintained. There has been an increase in teacher numbers perhaps as a result of increasing the number of pupils (now over 400). Some...... [read more]

Return of the Visitors  17 SEP 2017

We are now all back in the UK and getting on with our normal activities. The visit was special for us in so many ways. For some it was the first time to travel to Africa and so everything was new and...... [read more]

News during Visit 2017  28 JUL 2017

Dear Friends We will seek to keep in touch with you during our visit which starts tomorrow (July 29th) and continues until September 3rd. This may be by email (if we have your email address) or by...... [read more]

Donations to HFT Projects  15 JUL 2017

We have nearly completed the purchase of the items we are taking as donations to the School.These include 10 laptops, computer monitors and keyboards (to replace ones that don't work), 4 music...... [read more]

Visit 2017  10 JUN 2017

15 people will be travelling with us to Tanzania at the end of July and in early August for between 3 and 5 weeks. The first two weeks will be spent at Tuishime School helping teachers and children...... [read more]

Addition of News to Website   07 MAY 2017

We have added a report of the visit we made to Tanzania last year to the website. It can be found under the Visits tab.... [read more]

Tanzania School Bus Kills Dozens  07 MAY 2017

The BBC has reported that on 6 May, more than 30 people - almost all of them schoolchildren - have been killed in a bus crash in northern Tanzania, officials say. They say the bus plunged off the...... [read more]

Fundraising in March  09 APR 2017

We are amazed by the generosity of our supporters during our fundraising events in March. The sponsorship amount raised by Tim Wilmshurst, who is running the London Marathon for Hope for Tanzania...... [read more]

Fundraising for Swahili Bibles  09 APR 2017

We are delighted that Janet Roulstone and the members of St Alkmund's Church Duffield have raised £630 for the Swahili Bible Appeal. Thanks to this generosity and the addition of £370...... [read more]

Swahili Bibles for Pastors   04 MAR 2017

When Martin was in Tanzania last year a few pastors spoke about the shortage of Bibles for pastors and Christians. Its hard to believe that pastors can lead a church and not have their own Bible but...... [read more]

Fundraising in March   04 MAR 2017

Tim Wilmshurst is holding a fundraising coffee morning/afternoon in Duffield on March 11th. There will be live music (piano, song, folk, fiddle), food and a guess tim's time competition. On March...... [read more]

London Marathon 2017  22 JAN 2017

Tim Wilmshurst is running the London Marathon to raise funds for Hope for Tanzania. He has competed in a number of marathons, including the London one, and is currently in training, having completed...... [read more]

National School Exam Results 2016  04 JAN 2017

Tuishime School Standard 7 pupils scored stunning results in their examinations held in August 2016. The school position was 13th in the district, 29th in the region and No. 313 out of all schools in...... [read more]

Short Report from Visit 2016 to Dar es Salaam  13 DEC 2016

* Pastor Stephen Osinde remains strong, passionate about the gospel and his goal to see a strong pastor’s network established through The Oasis of Victory Faith Ministry. The ministry requires...... [read more]

Short Report on Singida Mission after Visit 2016  13 DEC 2016

* Felix and I had a truly wonderful time in Singida during which we went on mission and visited three villages. We went door-to-door with mission teams from churches and preached in churches seeing...... [read more]

Short Report on Tuishime School after Visit 2016  13 DEC 2016

* I was very impressed with the teachers from Senior Volunteer Network (SVN) and feel they had a good impact on the school. I was personally delighted to be with them and enjoyed the two weeks during...... [read more]

Activities for Visit 2016  25 SEP 2016

Arusha •Tuishime School (SVN training of teachers, child sponsorship scheme updates, relationship building with teachers, school financial planning) •Meet Caroline and Eli Shao, Mosses and Mary...... [read more]

Visit 2016  18 AUG 2016

Our visit to Tanzania this year will be between October 10th and November 9th.For the first two weeks Martin Grosvenor and 3 teachers from SVN will visit Arusha and Tuishime School. The teachers will...... [read more]

Staff Changes at Tuishime School  12 JUN 2016

Andrew Mathias, who previously taught at the school, has re-joined it as a teacher of mathematics and deputy head teacher. Alex Mangesho, who was one of the founder teachers and at one time head...... [read more]

Shipment of Goods  12 JUN 2016

Last year, we appealed to supporters for children's books and educational resources for Tuishime Primary School and have received a deluge of goods. These have now been boxed up and are on their way...... [read more]

Trustee Meeting   22 APR 2016

The trustees of Hope for Tanzania will be meeting on Saturday 23rd April to sign off the report and accounts for the Charity Commission. We will also discuss progress and issues in the different...... [read more]

Visit 2016  22 APR 2016

At the moment five of us will be visiting our projects in Tanzania during October and November. Three teachers from SVN (Senior Volunteer Network) will visit Tuishime School to train teachers in...... [read more]

Internet Connection at Tuishime School   28 MAR 2016

We are investigating the feasibility and cost of connecting the computers at the school to the internet so that educational resources can be accessed by teachers. If we proceed with the connection it...... [read more]

Update on Tuishime School   28 MAR 2016

The new headteacher, Elisa Nassari, has settled into his role and is slowly making changes to the school so that it becomes more professionally run. The number of children at the school remains at...... [read more]

Early Notice of Visit 2016  07 FEB 2016

Some teachers from SVN, Senior Volunteer Network, have indicated a desire to re-visit Tuishime School in late 2016 so we are just confirming the most suitable dates for the visit. Some trustees will...... [read more]

Edit of Book  07 FEB 2016

I have just completed the review and edit of a book that has been written by our friend Rev Peter O Simon. It's title is "The Principles of Life". I am not sure when or where it will be...... [read more]

Christmas and New Year Greetings to Supporters  20 DEC 2015

The trustees of Hope for Tanzania thank you, our supporters, for your prayers, financial support and interest in God's work through HFT. We are humbled by the responsibility and opportunity that we...... [read more]

Recent Donation to Tanzania  20 DEC 2015

We have recently made a donation to Pastor Deo for him to continue his missionary work in Kiomboi. Martin and Felix Massenge visited him in November and were richly encouraged by the way that God is...... [read more]

Report on Visit to Tanzania   22 NOV 2015

Martin Grosvenor has returned from his recent trip to Tanzania during which he visited Tuishime School in Arusha, Pastor Deo in Singida and Pastor Stephen Osinde and two sponsored students in Dar e...... [read more]

Itinerary for October 2015 Visit  18 OCT 2015

Martin’s Itinerary October 22nd Travel to Arusha 23rd - 29th Arusha 30th Travel to Singida to visit Pastor Deo November 2nd Travel to Arusha 6th Travel...... [read more]

General Election  18 OCT 2015

The general election will be held in Tanzania on October 25th. Everyone votes in their home area where they have registered so there will be a lot of journeys made in the days before and after the...... [read more]

Visit October 2015  11 OCT 2015

Martin Grosvenor and daughter Elli will be visiting Tanzania during October and November. Their activities will include: Arusha – visit Njiro secondary school, where most Tuishime School pupils...... [read more]

Latest on Tuishime School   26 SEP 2015

A new head teacher, Mr Elisa Naiman Nasari, has been appointed and he started in post this term. He was previously a secondary school teacher and primary school inspector. He has a degree in...... [read more]

Kiomboi Missionary Update June 2015  08 JUL 2015

Pastor Deo has provided us with a comprehensive update on how work in Singida is going. Here is a short summery of it. If you would like the full version please email us on info@hopefortanzania.org...... [read more]

Duffield Scene Article  18 MAY 2015

The Duffield Scene is the monthly publication in our village. The editor has kindly allowed us to publish an article in the May 2015 issue. Please have a read and enjoy. Copy and paste the web...... [read more]

Darajambili Primary School  26 APR 2015

Steve Kweka, head teacher of Darajambili Primary School in Arusha, has sent us an update on progress. The school has a huge number of pupils (1739). From January this year the staff have been able to...... [read more]

Visits 2015 and 2016  24 MAR 2015

We will not be running a visit to Tanzania in July 2015. There is a possibility that we will plan a short visit in November 2015. However, we will definitely be visiting our Tanzanian projects during...... [read more]

Website Update  20 MAR 2015

We have recently updated the website with new photos, additional videos, annual reports, visit reports for 2013 to 2015 and new information about Tuishime School and other projects we are involved...... [read more]

Request for Educational Books, DVDs and Toys  02 MAR 2015

The School has the following needs in order to improve the educational experience of children. If you have any of the items in good condition then please call Martin Grosvenor on 01332 840753 or...... [read more]

Martin's Visit to Tanzania  02 MAR 2015

My recent visit to Tanzania went well and I was able to achieve more than I thought possible. I was greatly encouraged and challenged about the way forward. I spent a lot of time at Tuishime School...... [read more]

Martin's Itinerary for Tanzania Visit  08 JAN 2015

Activities Arusha – research secondary school project (visit secondary schools, educational authorities, engineer, accountant) Arusha – assess a potential project to start businesses Arusha...... [read more]

Christmas Greetings to our Supporters  21 DEC 2014

Dear All We send our greetings to you all at this glorious time of Christmas when we celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ who was God. "Emmanuel", one of his names, means God with us...... [read more]

Exam Results of Tuishime School  26 NOV 2014

The standard VII national exam results for 2014 have been announced. All pupils passed the exams and can proceed to a secondary school education. This significant achievement continues the 100...... [read more]

Martin's Visit to Tanzania  30 OCT 2014

The chair of trustees, Martin Grosvenor, is visiting Tanzania in January 2015 for 5 weeks to research new projects for Hope for Tanzania. He will fly to Nairobi and then on to Arusha, followed by a...... [read more]

Visit 2015  06 OCT 2014

We are planning a visit to Tanzania in July/August 2015. The focus of the visit will be to learn about Tanzanian life by assisting in Arusha schools and an orphanage. We are looking for people who...... [read more]

Court Verdict on Augustino Godfrey   06 OCT 2014

We are absolutely delighted that our friend Augustino Godfrey, an education officer in Arusha, has been acquitted from the charge of making illegal payments following a court judgement on October...... [read more]

Trustee Meeting   14 SEP 2014

The next trustee meeting will be held on October 4th in Bath, home to some of the trustees. The main item on the agenda will be to discuss the report prepared by Maggie and Peter Zimmermann after...... [read more]

September News Round Up  14 SEP 2014

* Mary, wife of Moses Paulo, and daughter Tabitha have recovered well after their road traffic accident in July. * Augustino's court appearance is on 22nd September so we are hoping and praying for...... [read more]

Update on Augustino Godfrey's Court Case  27 JUL 2014

We are saddened that the case against Augustino still stands and the court have decided that he has a case to answer. There has not been a full court appearance since the case was brought in late...... [read more]

Visit 2014  27 JUL 2014

Finally the visit of Hope for Tanzania is underway and Maggie and Peter (trustees of HFT), with their family, are in Arusha. This next week will be spent in the school, at which time teachers and...... [read more]

Water Gushes from the Earth  27 JUL 2014

No, this is not a story of severe flooding and destruction. But one of joy and thanksgiving to God by the community of Tuishime School for the abundant supply of water. The borehole has been drilled...... [read more]

General Update  11 JUN 2014

We will shortly be making a further donation to the work of Hope for Tanzania in Tanzania which will include sponsorship money for children at the school, funding for footballs and a donation to...... [read more]

Medical Student Visit  08 MAY 2014

We are delighted that a medical student from the university of Nottingham is currently in Arusha for an elective. She is originally from Ghana but has lived in the UK since the age of 8. During her...... [read more]

Donation of computer peripherals  06 APR 2014

We are delighted that Computers4africa, a charity that reconditions computers for supply to Africa, has agreed to donate some computer peripherals to Hope for Tanzania. This follows the purchase of...... [read more]

Visit 2014  08 MAR 2014

We have taken a recent action to modify this summers visit to Tanzania. Rather than the "ambitious" visit that we were planning we have scaled back plans as a result of the high flight...... [read more]

Update on Tuishime School   08 MAR 2014

The school now has 370 pupils on roll which is a significant increase from that at the start of last year. Building work has been limited in the last year with only a new toilet block being built...... [read more]

2013 National Exam Results  05 JAN 2014

Here are the results of the Standard VII National Examinations, which were taken by Tuishime School pupils in August 2013. All pupils passed the exams and achieved the following grades: A for 3...... [read more]

New Sponsored Student  11 DEC 2013

We have agreed to sponsor Moses Paulo through a B.Ed degree which he will start in January by distance learning. Whilst we have already sponsored him through a number of courses, we want to continue...... [read more]

Christmas Greetings to our Supporters  11 DEC 2013

We want to thank you for the interest that you have shown in the work that we are involved in. Many of you have contributed by sponsoring children or otherwise donating money. Others have helped with...... [read more]

Visit 2014  14 NOV 2013

Although the visits to Tanzania this year have only just finished we are beginning to plan for Visit 2014, which will take place in July and August. We have already found accommodation and have a...... [read more]

Water Supply at the School  14 NOV 2013

For most of 2013, the water supply at the school has been either poor or non-existent. As you can imagine this makes it very difficult for the school to run as water is needed for washing, drinking...... [read more]

Update on Recent News  23 OCT 2013

A lot has happened over the last few weeks. Early September saw a visit of 4 people to Tanzania when they spent time at the Tuishime School,went on safari and travelled to Dodoma. A full report will...... [read more]

Update on Concert in Duffield  07 SEP 2013

Planning has now been completed for the concert which is being held on the 28th September. Duffield Singers is a talented musical group, lead by Conductor Dana, that sings an eclectic mixture of...... [read more]

Anniversary Celebrations  07 SEP 2013

Tuishime School will be celebrating its 10th anniversary on September 21st. The school has invited pupils, parents, community members and a VIP from the Prime Minister's office for what promises to...... [read more]

Visits to Tanzania   07 SEP 2013

We are pleased that a number of supporters will be visiting Tanzania over the next few months. At the end of August Peter and Rosalind and two friends will visit. They aim to spend time at the...... [read more]

Fund Raising Concert   16 JUN 2013

Hope for Tanzania is holding a charity fundraising concert with the Duffield Singers on Saturday 28th September at 7.30pm at the Ecclesbourne School, Duffield. Tickets are £10 each including...... [read more]

Update on Tanzania  19 MAY 2013

Felicia, who we sponsored through her B.Ed. degree, has now started a teaching post in a secondary school in Tanga. Paul, the husband of Maria, who we also sponsored, is still in search of a job...... [read more]

Update on Tuishime School  24 APR 2013

Currently Renalda is visiting us on a British Council grant and attending a number of schools, some of which she is teaching in. She comes with news about a school which is bursting at its seams...... [read more]

Teacher Renalda's Visit in April  23 MAR 2013

Renalda's visit has had to be delayed until April due to difficulty obtaining her visa. Perhaps with the current weather in Derbyshire that hasn't been such a bad thing! However, she now has her visa...... [read more]

Renalda's Visit to UK  24 FEB 2013

Renalda, one of the teachers at Tuishime will be coming to the UK for 3 weeks in March during which she'll teach in different schools and experience a very different life - it is her first time out...... [read more]

New Home for Clinic Equipment  26 JAN 2013

Finally we have found a home for the anaesthetic and surgical equipment that was donated for use in the Arusha Clinic, which we set up last year. Remember that the clinic had to close soon after...... [read more]

What will 2013 bring?  26 JAN 2013

Of course we don't know but we can make some predictions for the work we assist in Tanzania. I think it will be a year of consolidation as we continue to support the Tuishime School. Numbers of...... [read more]

Success in Exams  09 JAN 2013

We are pleased to report that Tuishime School has again achieved a 100% record in the Standard VII examinations which were announced in December. As yet we don't have details about the relative...... [read more]

Christmas Greetings  21 DEC 2012

We send our love and greetings to all our supporters at the end of another year. It has been a wonderfully encouraging year when we have been able to help the poor, widows and orphans. The School has...... [read more]

Visit 2013  21 DEC 2012

Dear Supporters It is with a certain degree of sadness that we have decided to cancel the summer 2013 visit to Tanzania for a number of reasons. We have taken this decision due to significant...... [read more]

Tanzanian Lunch   02 DEC 2012

On November 25th, Maggie Zimmermann gave a presentation at Emmanuel Community Church in Duffield following her recent visit to Tanzania. About 50 people came for a lunch of beans, chicken and rice...... [read more]

Renovations to Masenge's Bungalow  02 DEC 2012

We now need to renovate the bungalow of Felix and Naomi Masenge as Naomi approaches her retirement in June 2013. Perhaps you remember that the Masenge's gave it up to start Tuishime School in 2001...... [read more]

Deadline for Visit 2013 Applications  04 NOV 2012

We are reaching the time when final expressions of interest are needed for Visit 2013. We will definitely be in Arusha during the first part of the UK school holidays and possibly earlier in July. If...... [read more]

Trustees return from Tanzania  04 NOV 2012

Dick Beath and Maggie Zimmermann have both now returned from their visit. Encouraging news has been received in many areas although there are other items that concern us and we will be focussing on...... [read more]

Trustee Visit to Tanzania  16 OCT 2012

Maggie Zimmermann and Dick Beath are visiting Arusha next week for specific reasons. Maggie is a teacher and organiser of the British Council International Exchange Programme. Having hosted a teacher...... [read more]

HFT Trustee Meeting  30 SEP 2012

The trustees are meeting on October 6, which is one of their biannual meetings, as required by the Charity Commission. We will discuss progress in the Tanzanian projects and plan for the next six...... [read more]

School Exams  30 SEP 2012

No one likes doing them in UK but, perhaps surprisingly the children at Tuishime School in years 4 and 7 don't seem to mind taking exams. Both year groups recently took their exams and the long wait...... [read more]

Class VII exams  09 SEP 2012

Class VII exams start in mid September and will see the third cohort of pupils passing through this school milestone. So far we have a 100% success rate but it gets harder each year to achieve this...... [read more]

Are you interested in visiting Tanzania in 2013?  09 SEP 2012

We will definitely be visiting Tanzania between 24 July and mid August, which coincides with part of the UK school holidays. We hope also to be able to go out there at the beginning of July although...... [read more]

Update on Tuishime School  28 AUG 2012

Dear friends We continue to receive encouraging news from the school staff in Arusha. We expect the number of children to further increase when school re-opens in September and we may well hit 300...... [read more]

Changes to the Website  22 JUL 2012

We have recently made some changes to the website which are: * Addition of 5 videos of Tuishime School taken during our visit in 2011. These can be accessed from the homepage (via the Video Gallery)...... [read more]

Interest is Growing .....  19 JUL 2012

We are beginning to get enquiries about the visits we are organising in the summer of 2013 which have just been advertised. One type of visit will be a climb of Kilimanjaro which may be split into...... [read more]

Roof of Africa 2013  15 JUL 2012

Hope for Tanzania is organising a trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in July 2013 in conjunction with a reputable trekking company. Tackle the distinctive snow-capped peaks of Kilimanjaro...... [read more]

Arusha Clinic to Close  09 JUL 2012

We are very disappointed to announce that one of our projects - the Arusha Clinic - has had to close. We were setting it up to carry out minor operations as there is a real shortage of affordable...... [read more]

Duffield Carnival 2012  01 JUL 2012

On Saturday June 23 we manned a stall at our Derbyshire village carnival for the third consecutive year. We concentrated on two themes this year; firstly the difference that sponsoring a child at the...... [read more]

Reflections on Visit of Andrew Mathias  01 JUL 2012

Andrew, a teacher from Tuishime School, was in the UK for 3 weeks in June during which he visited 3 primary schools and one secondary one. He learnt much about the way education is delivered in...... [read more]

Handover Ceremony for Computers  10 JUN 2012

The handover ceremony for the computers was held at Tuishime School on 2 June. It was attended by the school committee, education officials and representatives of local government. The computers are...... [read more]

Send a Computer Scheme  19 MAY 2012

We are delighted that 90 computers have now been collected from Dar es Salaam and have been delivered to four primary schools in Arusha. Over the last few years we have been concentrating on solely...... [read more]

Update on the Sponsor a Child Scheme  07 MAY 2012

We now have updated profiles for 30 new children at Tuishime School who vary in age from 3 to 11. We encourage our supporters and their friends, to start sponsoring one of the children, who come from...... [read more]

How different is life in Tanzania  07 MAY 2012

In the UK life is organised and generally runs smoothly. People are accustomed to high levels of service, good communications and it is rare that delays last longer than hours or at worst a few days...... [read more]

Water and Agriculture  02 APR 2012

One project that we will be starting is to assist villagers in the Singida area of Tanzania (west of Arusha) to improve their lives. This will be done by making a series of boreholes in different...... [read more]

Kilimanjaro 2013  11 MAR 2012

We are organising a climb of Kilimanjaro in July 2013. The climb will give people the opportunity to stand on the highest point of Africa for a few moments with all the exhilaration that comes from...... [read more]

How is Tuishime School Doing?  15 FEB 2012

The new school year started in January and with it many new children. At the last count there were 252 children which is about 30 more than last year. This is excellent news and testimony to the...... [read more]

Talk at Belper Rotary Club  22 JAN 2012

Martin Grosvenor was invited to speak about the work of Hope for Tanzania by the Rotary Club of Belper and duly gave a talk on 16th January. He showed the HFT promo video and a video of the school...... [read more]

Changes to Website  22 JAN 2012

You will notice that we have made some changes to the website at the end of 2012. The main changes are new photographs on the home page, a report about Visit 2011, HFT charity accounts and report for...... [read more]

Could You Sponsor a Child?  22 JAN 2012

Hope for Tanzania wants to increase the number of children that are sponsored at Tuishime School in order to make a significant difference to their lives. Many families are struggling with the high...... [read more]

A New Year Beckons  30 DEC 2011

Dear Friends We are almost at the end of a year which has been momentous for its earth shaking events. I expect 2012 to be as tumultous, perhaps even more so. We will have many challenges this year...... [read more]

Reflections on Visit 2011  30 DEC 2011

The team that came with us to Tanzania this year all had an amazing time. They were warmly welcomed into the families that they stayed with who shed tears when they left, such was the bond of...... [read more]

Thoughts from Martin Grosvenor on Visit 2011  10 DEC 2011

For me the visit was a time to show the team something of the work that we have been involved with during the last 10 years. But I also wanted all of us to experience God in a fresh way as we lived...... [read more]

News from Arusha  10 NOV 2011

The team has now decreased to 2 - my sister Gill and me. Today was sad as we said goodbye to Marie and Teresa at lunchtime and now they are on their way home. They have both had a great time in TZ...... [read more]

Wednesday 2 November Update  02 NOV 2011

The team has had a good day visiting Tuishime School in the morning where Gill, Teresa and Marie continued with the artwork that is being done by the children in puppy and baby classes. It is due to...... [read more]

Renovations to Tuishime School Buildings  30 OCT 2011

A donation of £6000 has recently been made to allow renovations to be made to the school. These will consist of repairing walls (damaged due to earth tremors),fixing ceiling boards to the...... [read more]

It's going well  30 OCT 2011

The Visit is continuing to go well. The team has adjusted to life in Tanzania and were warmly looked after by Anne during the first weekend when the Masenge's were at their daughter's wedding. The...... [read more]

Day 6 of the Visit  26 OCT 2011

News continues to filter through from the team and it is encouraging. Most of the time has been spent at the school. Philippa has been teaching, Janet has been working through some administrative...... [read more]

Start of Visit 2011  22 OCT 2011

The team of 5 ladies have now safely arrived in Arusha. They visited Tuishime School soon after arriving in Tanzania to get a taste of what the first week has for them. Today they visited a Maasai...... [read more]

Two Weeks to Start of Visit 2011   08 OCT 2011

After all the planning and preparation, Visit 2011 has almost arrived. The team of 6 is excited and really looking forward to seeing our friends in Tanzania. Many new experiences will be gained, a...... [read more]

What Are We Taking to Tanzania  08 OCT 2011

In addition to our personal luggage we are taking a number of different items to give to people in Arusha. They have all been donated for which we are hugely grateful. The items are: 3 laptops 1...... [read more]

Trustee Meeting  08 OCT 2011

Today we have a trustee meeting of Hope for Tanzania during which we will review activities over the last 6 months and plan for the next period until April 2012. It has been an exciting period as...... [read more]

Pray for the Team Visit  19 SEP 2011

Please pray for the team members - Gill Blunden Codd, Maria Elliott, Teresa Hall, Janet Roulstone, Philippa Grosvenor and Martin Grosvenor - as they prepare for the visit between 20 October and 23...... [read more]

General Update  19 SEP 2011

The mother of Steve Kweka, one of our dear friends in Arusha who has been a tremendous help in building Tuishime School, died recently. Elisongue Shao, a friend from Morogoro and a doctor working for...... [read more]

Visit 2011 Team Get Together   08 SEP 2011

On 10 September the whole team, who will be visiting Tanzania this autumn, are meeting up in Oxford for the first time. We will be discussing activities that we will do, sorting out practicalities...... [read more]

Sponsor a Child   04 SEP 2011

Supporters of Hope for Tanzania currently sponsor 21 children at the school but there are many more who would benefit from being financially supported. This is because of the whole inter-relationship...... [read more]

Tuishime School  22 AUG 2011

The children are enjoying their holiday and will return for the next term at the start of September. However the 19 grade 7 pupils are already back at school being tutored prior to taking their...... [read more]

Arusha Clinic  08 AUG 2011

The clinic started carrying out minor operations in July after much planning and preparation. This marked an exciting landmark for a scheme that was proposed by Tanzanians and assisted by a supporter...... [read more]

Food and Power Shortages  21 JUL 2011

The tragedy unfolding in East Africa is on a huge scale and is affecting a number of countries. Although Tanzania does not feature in the media broadcasts, as one of the countries affected, our...... [read more]

Post Carnival Report  25 JUN 2011

We had a great time at the Duffield carnival this afternoon. At our stall we showcased the work that we are involved with in Tanzania. We displayed photographs of the school, clinic and sponsored...... [read more]

Duffield Carnival  05 JUN 2011

Hope for Tanzania will again have a stall at the Duffield (Derbyshire) carnival on June 23 so if you are in the vicinity do call and have a chat. The carnival will run from about 2-5pm on the...... [read more]

Send a Computer Scheme  23 MAY 2011

We have started a project to raise the educational standards in Tanzanian schools and to give children the opportunity to learn IT skills. Our target for Phase 1 of the project, "Send a Computer...... [read more]

Arusha Clinic  16 MAY 2011

We have just completed our final review of financial forecasts for the Arusha Clinic and are now satisfied that the operating theatre will be viable. It's income will come from carrying out major and...... [read more]

Visit 2011  25 APR 2011

As plans firm up for our visit to Tanzania we are finalising the dates that we will be going out as well as the work that is the highest priority. This will be preparatory work for the Send a...... [read more]

Visit to Tanzania  10 APR 2011

We are getting close to the date (end April) when we will book flights to Tanzania. This will fix the dates between which people will be able to come as well as our route of travel. The trip is...... [read more]

Post Trustee Meeting Note  03 APR 2011

We discussed the business plan relating to the Send a Computer Scheme and concluded that Project Fuse - the slow build-up option was the way to go. This will involve a pilot scheme to send a limited...... [read more]

Trustee Meeting  28 MAR 2011

The trustees of Hope for Tanzania are meeting on 2 April to discuss a number of important matters relating to the running of the charity. We previously confirmed that the strategic plan we put in...... [read more]

Update on Arusha Clinic  13 MAR 2011

We heard today that progress in setting up the Arusha Clinic to carry out minor operations has slowed and it is still not ready to start them. This is partly to do with the severe electricity cuts...... [read more]

News from Mosses Paulo   06 MAR 2011

We have sponsored Mosses, a Maasai,over a 9 year period to upgrade his education. We have seen him change from being an ordinary primary school teacher with a low level of education into an...... [read more]

Visit 2011  11 FEB 2011

We are starting to plan our visit to Tanzania for this year. No definite dates have yet been booked but we expect to travel outwards towards the end of October and return in November. If you are...... [read more]

Visit of Bruce and Cheryl Lee  11 FEB 2011

Bruce and Cheryl Lee, from a mega church in Sacramento (California)visited Arusha for the second time on February 9 (see prayer item for 27 January). The visit was a great success and they saw the...... [read more]

Latest News from Arusha  27 JAN 2011

The number of children at the School has now risen to 218, which is considerably more than the number we forecast. It means that the School has a greater income, as a result of higher fees, which can...... [read more]

Perils of Living in Tanzania  16 JAN 2011

The situation in Tanzania, already one of the poorest countries in the world, is especially difficult at the moment due to a shortage of water due to the rains not having been heavy. This has had a...... [read more]

Start of New School Year  16 JAN 2011

Schools in Tanzania start their academic year in January and the private school of Tuishime is no exception to this. We were interested in seeing what impact the excellent exam results of the Grade...... [read more]

New Year and New Opportunities  04 JAN 2011

By now Christmas is a memory - a pleasant one I hope - and 2010 has been completed. 2011 will offer each of us new challenges and opportunities to develop ourselves and help others, whether at home...... [read more]

Christmas Letter to Supporters  20 DEC 2010

We have recently sent out our newsletter to supporters in which we give a summary of activities during 2010. If you have not received a copy, and would like to do so, please drop us an email at...... [read more]

Excellent School Exam Results  20 DEC 2010

We now have the results for Class VII national exams that were taken earlier this year. Tuishime School reached a position of number 14 out of 71 schools in the District, number 42 out of 512...... [read more]

Greeting Cards for your use  05 DEC 2010

John Bosco, the headteacher of the Tuishime School, has produced a number of batik designs and, with the help of pupils, has turned these into greeting cards. They are blank inside. If you would like...... [read more]

First edition of Tuishime School Magazine "The Mirror"  05 DEC 2010

The staff and pupils of Tuishime School have produced their first magazine which will be given to parents, prospective parents and other people interested in the School. We think it is a great...... [read more]

Computers for Arusha  15 NOV 2010

This is the first news item to cover this subject, which will become a constant one until the project has been completed. The visit to Arusha in 2009 gave the team many opportunities to visit...... [read more]

Donation of Money  15 NOV 2010

Hope for Tanzania has recently made a substantial donation from funds that supporters have donated. The money will be used to build a further classroom so completing Phase I of the project to...... [read more]

Handover of Theatre Equipment to Faraja Clinic  07 NOV 2010

Today Peter Harris has formally handed over the anaesthetic equipment to the staff at the Faraja Clinic in a ceremony which was held in the afternoon. During his visit, Peter has met with the...... [read more]

Class VII exam results  28 OCT 2010

The pupils, parents and teachers are eagerly waiting for the exam results of Class VII which were taken back in September. If successful in these national exams, the pupils will be able to start...... [read more]

Construction of new classroom  28 OCT 2010

We are delighted to have been able to make a further donation to the Tuishime School to allow an additional classroom to be built. This is one of the last three remaining classrooms that need to be...... [read more]

Visit to Tanzania by Supporter  18 OCT 2010

Peter Harris and his wife Rosalind are returning to Arusha having come with us on the Tanzanian visit which we arranged in 2009. Peter was born in Tanzania but this will be the first time that he...... [read more]

Generous donation of medical equipment  10 OCT 2010

We are delighted that one of our supporters, Peter Harris, who was born in Tanzania and came out with us on the Tanzania 2009 visit, has made a wonderfully generous donation to Hope for Tanzania. The...... [read more]

Death of founder of clinic   10 OCT 2010

Unfortunately the surgeon who founded the Faraja Clinic (also known as Arusha New Clinic) has died from prostate cancer. A replacement has been found to carry out operations when these start in...... [read more]

Founder of clinic critically ill  03 JUL 2010

The founder of the Arusha New Clinic is suffering from cancer of the prostate and is in a coma. Felix Masenge is carrying out extra administrative duties in the interim. The Clinic is one of the...... [read more]

Trustees promote charity at Duffield carnival   03 JUL 2010

Hope for Tanzania had a stall at the village carnival in Duffield, Derbyshire on 26 June. Four of the Trustees live in the village and took the opportunity to show case the work of the charity in...... [read more]

100 mile fundraising cycle ride  03 JUL 2010

Martin Grosvenor, a Trustee of HFT, and Andrew Weighill completed a fundraising bike ride from Winchester to Eastbourne on the South Downs Way. It took 16 hours of hard effort to cycle the 100 miles...... [read more]